Arvel Grant Today

If They Can Poison Russian Opposition Leader, Navalny, Through His Underwear…

If they can poison Russian Opposition Leader, Navalny, through his underwear, what about those of you much lower down the food chain?

Interestingly and correctly, we educate our populations that the best way to dry one’s underwear, is in the bright lights of the tropical sunshine, mindful of spring pollens and their possible deleterious effects.

From a public health standpoint, (in that environment) UV and UVB rays are our bestfriends. Just think of all those whites fluttering in our sometimes boundless tropical midday sun.?

Sunshine or not, the next time you find your: automobile, home or office burglarized, and ransacked think long and hard about why that may have happened.

Thinking of poisoning through the underwear; back then, some may have believed that the hapless Hugo Chavez, was taken out with military-grade poisons placed in his chair. Resulting, in possible development of a terminal, (golf ball sized) cancerous tumor in his lower extremities.

Some who serve in sensitive positions, enjoyed the habit of traveling around with their official speaking lectern; while arriving just in time to speak and leaving just after doing their part.

For those battling organized crime and corrupt politicians, it gets even more interesting when one contemplates possible relationships between: organized crime; rogue intelligence agents and or rogue states.

Article: Russian opposition leader Alexey Navalny was poisoned through his underpants

Walk good until next time.
Arvel Grant
Public Health and International Development Specialist